August 2, 2011

PMM Update v1.6.2

version 1.6.2

 *Fixed issue with Maya 2012 spitting error message at end of gamma correction script because it couldn't find the UV texture Editor which also caused the viewport textures to stay in their "blobby" state.

*Minor tweaks dealing with checking for certain nodes that are available to Maya 2011 and later.

* Rename file node script also tweaks filter to sharpen textures.


See downloads page for latest version.

April 15, 2011

PMM Update


* Viewport display will use original high res texture instead of low 256x256.

* Fixed issue where some SSS shaders will turn black.

* Mule shader will pick up information from mia_material's additional color, even if using a light surface texture.


 See downloads page for latest version.

March 20, 2011


 Linear lighting tool for Maya


- Create tonemapped cameras
- Quadratic area lights
- Gamma correction/removal for Mental Ray shaders

See downloads page for latest version.